Friday, November 7, 2008

MLK Jr.'s Dream not Realized Yet

The Haun's Mill Massacre of October of 1838, is just one of many examples of persecution against the Mormons. Now the Mormons are turning to persecute gays in the USA.

This email was sent out to all teachers at my school (no need to mention who sent it, not important). I know about six of my students who are gay. Of the 85 students I teach, that seems about right. I'm sure there are two or three that I don't know about. Here is the email:
If statistics are accurate, approximately 100 of our students (10%) are gay. The passing of Proposition 8 on Tuesday may very well have sent each of them the message that they are second class citizens, not worthy of the liberties afforded their heterosexual classmates and neighbors. Given the high frequency of depression and suicide among gay teens, I believe we should all keep our eyes open for signs of dismay and depression among our students as they process the impact of Tuesday's election.

"...I did not want to see one more teenager go through what I did: The terror and fear I felt when I first realized I had intimate feelings for boys and not girls, the isolating belief that I was the only one who felt that way, the depression that haunted me from twelve until well into my twenties causing constant suicidal ideation.

As a boy I saw how hatred cloaked in religion was used to oppress an entire race of people; I also witnessed their struggle, based in a different set of churches, to overcome that oppression and achieve equality."

Mitchell Gold, author of Crisis: 40 Stories Revealing the Personal, Social, and Religious Pain and Trauma of Growing Up Gay in America; 2008

So, because of certain group's religious beliefs, some of my students lives are in jeopardy! Because an unusual coalition of evangelical Christians, Mormons and Roman Catholics are forcing their narrow religious beliefs on all citizens of the United States, certain 16, 17 and 18 year old youths that I teach may want to kill themselves to escape the persecution and inequality forced on them.

Still, to this day, I don't understand how two men being married in the Castro of San Francisco effects the marriage of a heterosexual couple in Kansas or Utah. But if one of my gay students kills themselves because of the inequality sponsored by groups like the Mormon Church, I'll hold them directly responsible.

The Mormons surprise me. Their 'family values' are much different than others who worship Jesus as a god. They don't believe marriage is between one man and one woman as they believe in polygamy. And they have a history of being persecuted. So why are they now showing this hate toward another group who are just trying to live their lives the way they wish in accordance with the US Constitution.

Read this great opinion piece in the Los Angeles Times.

Petition here to take away the Mormon Church's 501 (c)(3) tax status as they are now clearly a political group intent on hate and persecution of Americans.

If you are Mormon and disagree with your church's stance and the $20 million they pumped into my state to take away the equal rights of so many of my friends, colleagues and students, then now is the time to stand up and speak out against this hatred.

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