Sunday, February 8, 2009

The Looting of America

When governmental leaders loot a countries funds, you know, like those evil foreign criminals like Ferdinand Marcos, former President of the Philippines, or Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe, it is easy for us Americans to watch them on TV and think, "What evil bad people." But what happens when it is our government and the corporations that prop them up?

I don't have enough time in the day/week/month/year to quote every example I have heard over the last year, and the examples keep coming. When will the people of this country say, "enough?"

This from Democracy Now!

Madoff Whistleblower Faults SEC for Ignoring Warnings

The key whistleblower in the Bernie Madoff fraud case has criticized government regulators for ignoring repeated warnings. Harry Markopolos told lawmakers he began warning Securities and Exchange Commission officials about Madoff in 2000. Markopolos said the SEC didn’t take action in large part because of incompetence and deference to financial interests. He said, “I gift-wrapped and delivered the largest Ponzi scheme to them.” Markopolos also criticized the Wall Street Journal for failing to pick up the story. He said Wall Street Journal editors apparently refused to let a senior reporter follow the story after Markopolos had tipped him off.

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