Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Open Letter to Fox Republicans

Where have the intelligent conservatives gone? Have they all become Libertarians?

I saw a woman on TV crying because our president was going to talk to our school children. Please, get a grip. What exactly is at the core of your hatred for Obama? Really. Here are a few notable past presidents who personally addressed our school children:
President Regan 1988 (who talked to the children about the importance of cutting taxes!)
President Bush Sr. 1991
President Bush Jr. 2001 was reading to school kids on 9/11
Please, please, please stop listening to Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Michelle Malkin, Michael Savage and Ann Coulter. They are misleading you and making you dumber. If you must bunker yourself down in purely partisan politics, read/listen to those on the right such as Tony Blankley and David Frum. These people are smart, not to mention sane. Hell, even Bill Kristol is better than the above mentioned nut cases, though his predictions are often wrong and I question his sanity sometimes.

Here is the real question to ask the Fox News Republicans: What are you really scared of? If you are a conservative, please try to answer these questions:

Do you believe Obama is a Nazi?
Do you believe Obama wishes the USA to be Socialist?
Do you believe Obama was born in Kenya?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, it is strongly in your best interest to stop watching all Fox programming except the Simpsons. The lunatic fringe on this network who are trying to delegitimize our president and publicly treat him with disrespect are not helping you or our country. Truthfully, I don't believe any of these people believe Obama is a Communist, Nazi, Muslim, Socialist or Kenyan. But these pundits use fear to make you hate this man.

What are they really afraid of? I ask you to try to answer that question. The answer seems simple to me.

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