Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Kucinich Testifies on Friday Regarding Impeachment of Bush and Chaney

He is not about to win any awards for public speaking, but Dennis Kucinich has a very important message. Give him less than 6 minutes of your time by watching this video. He seems to be one of the few Legislators working hard to preserve our constitution and hold politicians accountable for their actions.

H.Res. 1345 focuses on Bush's ultimate crime - invading Iraq on the basis of lies. The evidence is overwhelming that George Bush and other top officials manufactured those lies to "sell" an invasion whose real purpose was to gain control of Iraq's oil and establish military bases in the heart of the Middle East - the agenda of the Project for a New American Century that Bush and McCain fully embraced.

Only a few Judiciary Democrats understand that the Founding Fathers gave Congress the power of impeachment as the only way to stop a President from defying the Constitution and becoming a dictator, as Bush has done: Robert Wexler (FL19), Tammy Baldwin (WI02), Steve Cohen (TN09), Keith Ellison (MN05), Luis Gutierrez (IL04), Sheila Jackson Lee (TX18), Hank Johnson (GA04), and Maxine Waters (CA35).

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