Thursday, January 22, 2009

What is Arms Smugglinig?

An example of Israeli military might

An example of Palestinian military might

When the media talks about the Palestinian government acquiring weapons they use the verb "smuggle." When the Israeli government acquires weapons, usually from the USA, "trade" is the verb of choice.

Palestine has a democratically elected government who does what they feel is best to protect their people against an occupying force much, much stronger then they are.

Israel divides the Palestinian people and "regulates" or denies them free passage, food, water and heating oil. If you are a US citizen, try to image Canada building walls around your home, often stealing land and denying you these very things vital to your well being and the well being of your family. Imagine Canada dropping bombs on your neighborhood, killing your friends and/or family members. What would you do? Seems simple to me. Why can't Americans see this? Why?

My photos above are only slightly misleading. The juxtaposition is not that exaggerated. Sure, the Palestinian militaries have guns and morters, but more often that not, its sling vs. tank or helecopter. There is a great scene in a great documentary War Photographer that shows this. Move War Photographer (Christian Frei, 2001) to the top of your NetFlix que. Great film!

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