Saturday, October 25, 2008

Do Repulicans Have Souls?

Ok... I'm am trying my hardest to find something honorable with the Republican party. I am serious, I pride myself in my objectivity (I mostly spotlight left views on this blog, a blog of opinion, but I am also a journalist and that training has made me constantly check my objectivity). But, after all the negative ads by McRage, after all the stupidity that has come out of the moose killer, now we have a Republican operative who is attacking Obama for flying as quickly as he can to visit his ill grandmother, the very person who has spent much of her life to raise Barack. The "family values party." This is purely despicable. Please Republicans, find your souls. Please. And if you are on the right and outraged by these imbeciles, denounce these sickos who speak on your behalf.

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